Debunking Myths: Do I Need a Feminine Wash?

Do I need intimate wash? Earth Mama Tips

With all the different types of washes for down there parts, like feminine wash, intimate wash, or even vulva wash, it can be extremely confusing. So, we’re here to debunk some myths about these various kinds washes, once and for all.

The Vagina is a Self-Cleaning Oven

When it comes to cleaning your Queen Victoria, the rule is: DON’T. That’s right. Your Divine Miss V is a self-cleaning oven, which means, do not use any wash or soap up in there.

Vaginas are not meant to smell like roses or cotton candy or springtime at the beach. They smell like vaginas and that is 100% perfectly OKAY.

Now, if you’re feeling as though there might be something wrong or your girl is feeling out of sorts, seek the support and consultation of a health professional.

PRO TIP: Feeling not-so-fresh? A little spritz of Herbal Perineal Spray can help, especially during or after periods, or any time, really. (Just not on the inside!)

But What About Vulvas? 

When it comes to your vulva, you don’t need a special wash. That’s not to say your vulva isn’t special, it just means that you don’t want to use anything with artificial fragrance or toxic ingredients, which is what you’ll find in many of the vulva washes.

Instead, just use soap… well, real soap that is (like Earth Mama’s castile-based soaps). Turns out, many washes, including feminine wash, intimate wash, vulva wash, and even regular old “body wash” are actually detergents, which often use things like Triclosan and surfactants, neither of which you want near your bits.

Basically, all you need is soap. And love. But in this case, SOAP.

Earth Mama washes are real castile-based soap made with the safest, non-toxic ingredients. Let's just say if they're safe for babies, they're safe for your baby-making bits, and really, all your parts. But just the outside ones, okay?

So… Skip the Intimate Wash and Vulva Wash? 

Yes, you do not need to put soap up in there. And you do not need a special wash for out there. A good rule of thumb is to keep the soap on the front and back porch. No need to invite it inside.

As tempting as it might be to treat your lady to her own feminine wash, skip it! Just grab a bottle of Earth Mama Hand & Body Wash, Body Wash, or even Baby Wash, to clean allll the things, top to bottom, front to back, and let your body do what it does best.

Earth Mama Organics | Do I need a Feminine Wash?
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